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Creating A Better Community Through Art and Gardening



Our Portfolio

Check out some of our past events for inspiration and encouragement. We document all the events we’ve planned and organized in the past, as well as the growth of our Community Garden. Take a look at the green and vibrant photos and videos to see more of Restoration Community Development and understand why our initiatives are so special to the community members of St. Louis, MO .



How We Started Out

Restoration Community Development was established in 2013 by Sami & Annetta Bentil, who realized there was an urgent need for a sustainable Community Garden in the West End Neighborhood of the City of St. Louis . Since then, we’ve worked hard to maintain our commitment to growing food naturally and giving back to our neighbors through the fruits of our labor. We love giving back to the community that we reside in, and understand the importance of getting people involved in a fun and healthy hobby.


Learn About Community Garden

Restoration Community Development oversees the Bentil's Community Garden that brings together community members and volunteers of all ages from the St. Louis Metro area. We’ve been working since 2013 to grow local and healthy produce in an open space that enables residents to be involved in planting, growing, and maintaining a garden. We encourage you to join us and contribute towards making a difference.

Learn More

RCD programs engage in economic development by assisting in the sustainability and standard of living of communities' base on the following:

Community Organizing • Community gardens increase a sense of community ownership and stewardship. •Community gardens foster the development of a community identity and spirit. •Community gardens bring people together from a wide variety of backgrounds (age, race, culture, social class). •Community gardens build community leaders. •Community gardens offer a focal point for community organizing, and can lead to community­ based efforts to deal with other social concerns.


Community gardens offer unique opportunities to teach youth about: •Where food comes from •Practical math skills •Basic business principles •The importance of community and stewardship •Issues of environmental sustainability •Job and life skills •Community gardening is a healthy, inexpensive activity for youth that can bring them closer to nature, and allow them to interact with each other in a socially meaningful and physically productive way.




•Studies have shown that community gardeners and their children eat healthier diets than do non-gardening families. •Eating locally produced food reduces asthma rates, because children are able to consume manageable amounts of local pollen and develop immunities. •Exposure to green space reduces stress and increases a sense of wellness and belonging. •Increasing the consumption of fresh local produce. is one of the best ways to address childhood lead poisoning. •The benefits of Horticulture Therapy can be and are used to great advantage in community gardens


Restoration Community Development has been working hard to bring the members of the West End together through community engagement. Take a look at our gallery of photos and videos to see the difference we’re making in the community. We provide images that keeps our volunteers and garden in the spotlight. Make sure you take our virtual tour to get a better understanding of our luscious space.

Home: Gallery

Upcoming Events

Since we opened in 2014, we’ve been hosting a wide selection of events and activities at our Community Garden. Take a look at our calendar to see what kinds of fun and educational events are coming up at Restoration Community Development. Make sure you don’t miss out by signing up to our newsletter. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon.


Neighborhood Arts & Crafts


Fruit Picking



Our Products

Stuff We Provide On-site Only


Gardening Glove Set


Contact Us
Organic Vegetable Farm

Gardening Kit


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Partners & Sponsors

Who We Count On

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T.A.B. Company, Inc.

T.A.B. Company, Inc. has been a major supporter of Restoration Community Development since our establishment in 2014. There’s no question that we would not have come this far without the support of a dedicated partner such as T.A.B. Company, Inc.

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Madisonel's Pre Owned Auto Company

We’re grateful towards the people who have supported Restoration Community Development over the years through sponsorships and partnerships. Madisonel's Pre Owned Auto Company has definitely made it easier for us to thrive and expand with their generous donations and unwavering support.

Our Classes

See What’s Being Offered Now

There’s so much goodness and so many opportunities for discovery that stems from our amazing Community Garden. Check out some of the programs and workshops we offer below. We invite you and your family to join our community and become an active participant. Get in touch to schedule your spot today.


TBD...Stay Tuned

Join our Organic Gardening Techniques Course workshop for an opportunity to engage with our garden and other community members. Taking courses at our Community Garden is a great way of getting to know other like-minded individuals with similar interests while learning useful skills and benefiting from some fresh air.


TBD...Stay Tuned

Come to our Gardening Introductory Course class for a truly unique opportunity to learn something new. Meet other community members who share similar interests and enrich your understanding of our Community Garden. It’s a great way to expand your knowledge, socialize with friends, and gain practical skills all at the same time.

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Stay Tuned...More Class Coming

We’re committed to helping make the West End greener and our community healthier.

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Interested in one of our courses? Get in touch today.

Volunteer With Us

Help Make a Difference

Volunteers at Restoration Community Development often feel like they’re part of something important and bigger than themselves. They get to experience the magic of our Community Garden by putting their heart and soul into a project that impacts an entire community. If you want to personally make a difference, contact us to see how you can contribute. We always welcome a helping hand.

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5561 Enright Ave, Suit 117
St. Louis, 63112




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5561 Enright Ave, Suit 117
St. Louis, 63112

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